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GOD 180 Mod

本帖由 pittymaareya88392015-07-24 发布。版面名称:Vape Mod Talk

  1. darkangel_zheinah

    darkangel_zheinah New Member

    Actually, the more appropriate question would be what gauge wire would you need. But since the GOD mod only goes down to .5 ohm, there's not much that wouldn't melt at that wattage, for more than a couple seconds.
  2. xxhello13xx

    xxhello13xx New Member

    I am thinking 30 seconds at the most. At 10 seconds the insulators are gone for sure.
  3. fluckaduck

    fluckaduck New Member

    Actually, with the voltage available in that mod, .5 ohms at 180 watts is 9.5ish volts and a measly 19 amps. The .2 ohm build I had on my mech was 20 amps because the voltage was so low.
    Yes, it's stupid, but still feasible.
  4. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    i see it with cameras too, people buying 15 megapixel cameras to print 5 x 7 prints or share them online

    or as nunga said computers are the same, the clock speed of a CPU will sell it when these days the L3 cache is more noticable
  5. secoska

    secoska New Member

    I'm sure inhaling vapor from a molten/melting coil wouldn't be much good for me. That'd be serious "throat hit" though...

    (speaking as one who has no idea about high watts stuff)
  6. jaysetsfire

    jaysetsfire New Member

    Actually, a serious comment.

    Whilst I do not know much about high powered vaping, I was reading a couple of threads on a UK forum recently. In it, I found several who were saying they regularly vape at (to me) astounding power levels. I believe figures like 140 plus watts were being quoted. So much beyond what "normal" vape gear can cope with. They were talking about specialised, custom built mods, stacked 26650 batteries (8.4 volts) and all sorts of other stuff I do not understand. Mucho talk also about wicking and special coils to handle that sort of power.

    But the point was, there does seem to be some who do vape regularly at those sort of power levels.

    As one who vapes with a VAMO and carto tanks, I cannot comprehend it - but there you are.
  7. jpPitolosictemo

    jpPitolosictemo New Member

    Looking at this thread I kinda think sometimes that vapers who have been around abit can be a bit like new parents when it comes to newbies .. ask a vaper what they think a newbie should be using vs what they themselves are using and things often become interesting .. there are some that wont even recommend a vamo to a newbie cause they are scared they are going to hurt themselves ... not that i can say I blame them with the regulation stuff looming .. but to smoke in the first place you are assumed to be of a certain age

    Think it is good to give warnings and to be vigilant .. but think sometimes that vapers can be just a little over protective ...

    Oh and I looked up the term Jackwagon.... yah .. suspicion confirmed .. its safer and warmer in the bizarre thread :) sheesh weirdos!
  8. jvwv0iuzm

    jvwv0iuzm New Member

  9. zeshawn

    zeshawn New Member

    Oh.. Oooohhh .. (light bulb moment) and here I looked it up had an image of a wagon and an arm and ohhh nevermind ... too many articles for me lately :) Oh and you people are still strange ..
  10. Buswrise

    Buswrise New Member

    How about another way to look at it.

    Consider many parents. They may drive a large powerful family car (Falcons and Commodores in OZ). Carries lots, handles well and can go pretty fast when pushed. Their child is nearing driving age. The lessons and driving test are all planned and booked. What sort of car do many of those parents try to steer their offspring toward? Err, yep - the small sensible "easy to handle" cars - the Toyota Corollas, Mazda3s and similar.

    Why? Even though the parent may have a big car, they know there is some learning, practice and maturing to be had in the smaller car before "stepping up".

    Same, perhaps, with Vaping. Also there is the consideration of a newly reformed ex-smoker turned Vaper not really knowing if they'll stick with it. In that case, perhaps start out with simpler, cheaper gear to try it out before going all out on more expensive, more powerful equipment.

    Over protective? Maybe. For both the parents and the senior vapers. :)

    That said, offering proper cautions about known hazards is only reasonable. Things like storing and handling Nic for example. Basic battery safety too - amongst others. How to draw that line between reasonable caution and over protective? Ah, well, that is the trick, isn't it? :)
  11. raghurokda32

    raghurokda32 New Member


    You just made my day...as I wipe the tears of joy from my eyes...
  12. gurgeptart

    gurgeptart New Member

    I can see no need for such high powered vv/vw devices. Have a real Hanna ,and a clone and an EPMv2. I have no need to go past 15 watts on any of them . That is the max that is tasty with my builds any higher and it becomes yuck ! I am not always up at 15 watts either it also depends on what I am vaping at the time. 3 x 18650s in a mod would be nice (for me) just for time between re charges etc.
    you two are a class act ,very enjoyable banter there. :)
  13. sgrag3003

    sgrag3003 New Member

    Woggy, I suggest most new vapors to start with something regulated, like a Vamo etc. as I find they are safer for the new vapor to use. Once they have gotten their feet wet and have a better understanding of how things work, I'll gladly help them move on to a mech or otherwise. I've had a few that I've helped go straight to mechs, but that's a rare instance and I feel there is a lot more to know about using them and safety is a huge topic in that choice, depending on how they are used.
    Now with these new "super mods", the GI2, the Supermax, the God and so on, I think it's either a bragging point or a specialized crowed that wants them. "My mod goes to 50 watts!" "Yeah, well mine goes to 180!" Or the cloud chasers that don't have much good sense to start with!
    Are we being over protective? Maybe, but it's like with mechs, someone gets a mech then slaps in a "fire" battery, without caring about the specs, or load on it, and blows it up, it's bad press and gives the anti's more power. These could chasers are becoming a blight on vaping here in the states as they are being just as obnoxious as they can be and pissing off owners of establishments that allowed vaping, but don't anymore because of these morons! Now these new breed just encourage this mentality! I've got a buddy that likes it around 100watts, that's his thing, I can't! Even the 80 watt build was way too much for me! I rarely go over 10!
    So no, I don't think a newbie needs this beast, not because it's unsafe, but the price factor and the fact that most people will never utilize it's potential, why spend the extra money for features you'll never use?
  14. makgyverzx

    makgyverzx New Member

    For most users, you are correct. (You use 15 Watts? You power junkie you! :))

    But there may be another aspect to this. That of development and pushing boundaries.

    Consider cars (again). Few of us would ever get near, let alone drive a Formula 1 race car. Certainly not one of us needs that sort of vehicle on everyday roads. But those cars are development test beds for new technology. What is found to be of use there in those race cars often filter down to everyday cars in due course.

    Traction control, engine management, anti-lock braking and other technology we now see in regular road cars all came from the race track at some time in the past.

    Perhaps those high end vaping gizmos serve as test and development platforms for new tech we might see in "our" cheaper, everyday mods in the future? Maybe things like Auto Coil Temp Control might eventually be a regular feature on VAMOs...

    Or, maybe, it is just part of the "mine is bigger than yours" thing many have going... :)
  15. MilfordTZ

    MilfordTZ New Member

    Why buy a mercedes? or a rolls royce or even a hummer or a 4wd if you live in the city? People will because they can..

    I may not a cloud chaser and I do acknowledge there will from time to time be accidents from newbies and just plain accidents .. but I am not against cloud chasers .. in fact I have an admiration for many of them because like anything it takes a deep understanding and knowledge of the subject to to able to do it and do it well .. I think cloud chasers instead of maligned should be accepted for what they are .. a wonderful and interesting part of the vaping community .. if not for them and other hobbiests like them I am pretty sure modders would have found their lives lackluster at best and the average vaper would have missed out on the wonderful developments and ideas that they have given the community

    Does anyone need 180watts? Nope Would I recommend it to a new vaper? Nope .. but maybe later when I see how they go if they complain about battery life .. do I think it should remain available? Yes

    Why? Because without risk there is no change

    By the same token I no longer reccomend anything under a chana/ hana.. not bc I think peeps need 50 watts .. but because a chana can do it all and is a good learning vape .. and you can but dont have to change or take out the battery

    I dont think that buying choices should be limited .. and I think the jump from spinner to vamo tho hana/ provari to mech in the long run works out more expensive then going for a good mid range mod and thqat will help the newbie more then trying to beat them over the head with experience
  16. KindaNerdy:]

    KindaNerdy:] New Member

    I find the hobby side of vaping fascinating, I took to it like a duck to water, (was nerdy to begin with :) ), even as a newbie I wasn't gonna be satisfied with egos and clearos for very long. I don't think we should be trying to set any rules for what newbies want to vape with, or whether they will take it to the stage of a hobbist, or simply just as a basic setup which they are happy with. One of the best things about vaping is the differing levels of interest that people have. I would love to see vaping be encouraged in the safest way possible, but I would hate to see the fun taken out of it :)

    I can understand how obnoxious cloud chasers could set vaping back in public opinion, and perhaps we should be forming an etiquette for vaping, not rules so much as general encouragement of everyone to respect others, vapers and non-vapers. Even as a vaper, I would be annoyed if people were filling my business up with clouds of vapour, particularly if the owner of the business was doing the right thing and allowing vaping, it would be an abuse of privilege and show an extreme lack of respect. This to me is more of an issue than any possible flack from ANTZ.

    I see cloud chasers like those who love powerful cars, it wouldn't bother me living next to one, unless they decided to rev their engine for hours at a time, in their driveway, or drive their powerful vehicles like a dickhead on my quiet street. There are times and places for them to go do those things, where its not going to piss off everyone around them. Maybe cloud chasers could restrict these activities to their own homes, or in places that are set aside for such activities, so they don't piss off people :)
  17. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    I have to agree with DaveJ on this one, and I was thinking the same thing. Bigger wattage mods = compensation for other things.
  18. Annie C

    Annie C New Member

    I better get a few then

    You want nuts, check out the dublin mech. Hairpin silver trigger pushing 0.1 coils is what they were designed for

    I think part of the high watt thing is allowing for a buffer

    By that I mean a lot of people given a fifty watt mod won't go past 30. A safe minded person with a mod that says eighty won't push it past fifty etc

    Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
  19. jan

    jan New Member

    I would agree with that Dogman, I'm sure others just like me will try to "future" proof in their mod purchases. I use 30 watts on occasion so buying a 50 watt mod or something around 50 watts is what I look for. Another point to be made is we just don't know what the future of vaping is going to look like. Will there be attys or clearo in the future that will take advantage of this extra wattage (Aspire Atlantis)? I can understand people wanting to purchase a mod that has a little more umph then what they need. For me 50 watts is about all I would ever use currently.
  20. alright20

    alright20 New Member

    Can we get a link to it? Having trouble finding it.
