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Dry DIY Ideas?

本帖由 Casinoyda2015-10-30 发布。版面名称:Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing

  1. Casinoyda

    Casinoyda New Member

    I received some I-Mix flavours from VK last week and mixed up several batches including RY3, flue cured, cola and orange. I have mixed different premixes and changed nicotine levels to my liking before but this is the first time DIY.

    The problem I am finding is that they are very dry to vape, especially the tobaccos at ultra dry level.I know they should be steeped a little longer but thought that would be for flavour improvement. Done much research into it but can't really find what I'm looking for.

    I understand PG is known for being dry on the palate but I have actually mixed these at 65pg/ 35vg, less than the 75-80pg/ 25-20vg I'm used to with the premixes.

    I am using HC nic 36mg 75pg/ 25vg, HC PG and HC VG. Is it the HC stuff? Would adding sweetener work? Steep longer? Not to keen on adding water.

    Anyone with some experience like to help a newbie DIYer out?
  2. warmintermissio

    warmintermissio New Member

    Adding EM (ethyl maltol), will help, as well as increasing the vg percentage. Sometimes a little salt water can make a big difference to a dry juice, you will need the sterile saline solution you can get from the chemist, (really cheap, but make sure it has no antibacterial agents in it as well, just the plain sterile saline). I use this at 1-2% of the mix, and it can really help a dry mix. At this low percentage rate, it doesn't damage any of your coils or tanks and you cannot taste it.
  3. wasteddays

    wasteddays New Member

    Cheers for the tips Spud. I might get some saline solution and give it a shot. I could add more VG but my premix vapes at a lower VG level seem not as dry as these ones. Maybe the premixes have some EM or saline added as part of the mix. I guess things aren't as easy as just adding concentrate to a pg/vg/nic to make a nice vape. Love the learning process though.
  4. avhtbvf7a

    avhtbvf7a New Member

    No, it is that easy lol. Something else going on here or just crap flavours.
  5. SwordOni

    SwordOni New Member

    Maybe it just me. I've been vaping mixes of premixed combinations of tobacco with fruits, mint and vanilla since I started vaping. The sweetness, mints and menthols may not have given me a true basis of what to expect with a single DIY concentrate mix as I have nothing to compare it with. That Flue Cured is bloody dry though :)
