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Cloud Control (iOS & Android)

本帖由 Bond 003 1/22015-09-07 发布。版面名称:New Vapers Forum

  1. Bond 003 1/2

    Bond 003 1/2 New Member

    Good morning, good afternoon, or evening, depending on where you are in the world. My name is Allen Edmonds & I am a Computer Science major.

    I am currently building a vape app for both iOS & Android (iOS first). It focuses on a great UI/UX as well as functionality, but I'm looking for some feedback. Out of curiosity, what would you all like to see in this application?

    I look forward to hearing from you folks, take care & vape on!

    P.S I'm not new to vaping & wasn't sure where to post this but if this is frowned upon please let me know.
  2. BlackHawk99

    BlackHawk99 New Member

    Cloud Control (iOS & Android)


    why don't you tell us what you have planned for the app before we go and do all the research for you ?

    any chance you plan on sticking around and being part of the community? or is this just a R+D Drive By ?

    How long you been vaping ? What gear ? Where are you based ? favourite juice ?

    We are more community minded here, and anyone that looks like they may be trying to use us without contributing will generally be ignored or pitchforked.

    As an FYI, If you get that app going, that makes you a vendor. There are rules. http://vape.to/vendor-general/31377-vendor-general-basic-rules.html

    I hope you stick around
  3. Boyloalia

    Boyloalia New Member

    Cloud Control (iOS & Android)

    Embarrassing itchy rash? there's an app for that.
    Musically inept? there's an app for that.
    Socially inept? there's lots of apps for that.

    vape mod blew up in your face? should have got the app...

  4. taroo

    taroo New Member

    Cloud Control (iOS & Android)

    What functionalities are possible without adjoining hardware? For the lines of juice & wire calculators an app can give better UI but there are plenty of Web apps available and for that power is in the no. of users.

    But since you're looking for suggestions the only thing not extensively done I can think of is a jailbreak/firmware hack for the lines for the newer mods.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
