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capella recipes

本帖由 kimmie2005hhs2015-08-13 发布。版面名称:Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing

  1. kimmie2005hhs

    kimmie2005hhs New Member

    so today i decided to revisit some diy i had done back in January with capella flavourings. some need some tweaking and ive mainly just used single flavours to test how strong they r first.
    Now one mix i havent been able to put down is cinnamon danish swirl at 12 %, yum yum yum,

    some of the other recipes ive done is

    capella vanilla custard 12%
    ethyl maltol 1%
    it aint strong enough, gonna try 18% vc

    capella strawberries and cream 20%
    needs more, gonna try 25%

    Capella banana split 12%
    needs more, gonna try 18%

    capella sweet strawberry 15%
    needs more, gonna try 20%

    Capella choc fudge brownie 8%
    tasted great when dripped, not so great in my carto, need some more experimentation

    yes i like strong flavours :p
    so any recipes or feedback or even bad concoctions, pls share
  2. nqtkzlaxso

    nqtkzlaxso New Member

    lozza, try a bit of fairy floss with your vanilla custard :)
  3. Temweaps

    Temweaps New Member

    I still haven't got the Cap vanilla custard right. Currently at 15% VC with 5% Ethyl malto. Not creamy enough and still a bit chemically tasting TBH.

    Capella Choc fudge brownie seems right for me. My current mix is Capella Choc fudge brownie @ 13%, Capella Peanut butter @ 1%, TPA Sweet Cream @ 2% and Ethyl Malto @ 5%.

    Everything is mixed at 70:30 | PG:VG @ 16mg in our house

    Fairy Floss, Mrs Gruffy? Is that your secret ingredient? I'm still trying to create that awesome VC you sent me but haven't revealed the recipe. I suspect you are trying to get us hooked then, BAM! Out comes the 20ltr drum and the jacked up prices :p
  4. wittywaffle

    wittywaffle New Member

    isnt fairy floss the same as ethyl maltol ?
  5. Tukmyhamster

    Tukmyhamster New Member

    What % are you mixing your VC at mrsgruffy? :)
    I'm finding %5 plenty for my taste..
  6. aspeliAnali

    aspeliAnali New Member

    the vanilla custard i made was so week tasting and yeah like a chemically sort of taste. I might try adding some EM to the fudge brownie that might help, thanks.
    All my mixes r 70/30 pg/vg at 6mg
  7. Debunkatron

    Debunkatron New Member

    I've cut down to about 4ml a day of mrsGruffy's custard, alternated with a random 4-6ml of everything else. Smooth, rich, sweet, yummmmm.
  8. manny

    manny New Member

    I would like to know too ?? :):)
  9. Boyboabs

    Boyboabs New Member

    See, that's the thing. I don't really have recipes. I tweak something until I like it, doing the same thing proportionally to the bottle as I do to what I'm vaping. It's sort of a dash of this, a drop of that.. and that's the honest truth. I half fill my clearo to start so there's plenty of room to mess around with a flavour. It's a bit of a pain starting from scratch with every 30mL bottle I make, but then again, the concentrates change flavour from week to week. Some get stronger, some get weaker. I can't make head or tail of it, to be honest. There's no bloody consistency. Like last night, I started a new bottle of vanilla custard, and tweaked it, and then handed it over to MrG who had some of the last bottle still. It was just so much better than the last lot compared to what he had in the bottle. Perhaps as I get better at it, I'll be better able to record actual recipes. I'm very pleased with how my custard is progressing, but my coffee is disgusting. I just tipped out a 3.5mL tank full, after tweaking it and changing it, it got worse and worse, rather than better LOL

    I really think you have to just experiment to your own taste. I have a lot of vanillas and custards and butterscotches and EM and fairy floss, which may or may not be the same as EM. I can taste a difference between the two. Sorry I can't be more helpful :(
  10. pollyn77

    pollyn77 New Member

    I'm almost certain that Cotton candy is the same as EM. Which if mixed at about %10 will give you Fairy Floss flavour.
  11. jauda

    jauda New Member

    Yep, EM is fairy floss. How its mixed up is .1 gram into 10ml PG. Or 1 gram into 100ml PG. Well thats how the big boys do it :) You then put the bottle into hot water for a little bit then shake it. Then back in the water then shake it. Take the cap off and let it cool down :) Once its cooled you then have Cotton Candy.

    As for vanilla custard you have to let it steep for 2 - 4 weeks. Most people will find 5- 10% it to be ample.

    Many other people add French Vanilla Deluxe into there vanilla custard now. I personally use Vanilla Bean Icecream Both contain the magic ingredient! :) It improves it by 10001% I some how have about 300ml of VC concentrate to go through :\

    Here is my recipe: http://forums.canukvapers.com/diy-juice-recipes-mixing/9724-very-vanilla-icecram-recipe.html
  12. I put
    15-20% Vanilla Custard
    1.5% EM (or Fairy/Cotton Candy Floss-yeah, it's EM)
    5% Dolce Leche (or a little more, it's yummy!)
    1-2% Vanilla if you want...

    It really needs to seep, for AT LEAST a week, really hard, but it's worth it. Longer is better, of course.
    You can taste it after a few days, adjust the ingredients, etc... ;)
    The Dolce Leche really makes a difference, from FA or TPA, it sort of gets that little creamy taste going.
    Anyhow, I like it like that.

    Same for Vanilla Cupcake.

    Happy mixing, and hopefully good vaping :D
  13. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    The Capella VANILLA CUPCAKES is really good, a bit different from the Vanilla Custard, sweeter, and really has a cake taste to it. :p.

    15% Capella Vanilla Cupcake
    A little EM, which seems to give it a little bit of something ...
    A little DDL (TPA are the only ones I know that do it, but any enlightenment would be appreciated????)

    At least a week and it's super. You can go up to 20% if you feel like it, as with the Vanilla Custard. Doesn't seem to get chemical, as some flavours do when you up the doses.

    CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIES is yummy too, but I find it stronger, and IMO 15% is lots, but it is a question of taste. I imagine it is great for the choccy freaks at 20% too, or more.

    CINNAMON SWIRL I used 10% which is maybe a bit low for some, but as I use it with other flavours, it's OK. Next time, as I now have a glass tank (yeah, apparently it cracks placcy tanks :/) I'll maybe use 5 or 10 % more. It was a bit insipid at 10%.

    GINGERBREAD knocked my head of at 15%. Great for mixing with other flavours, and it is a realistic taste, however needs some EM in it to give it that little extra something.

    For the Vanilla Custard, I tried out 3: F'ART's, FlavorWest, & Capella. FA is just Custard, but with Vanilla, DDL, EM and Cream added it's good. FW is about the same as Capella, IMHO. They all need playing with to be good Vanilla Custard, but it's quite possible, if you have Dulce de Leche, Smooth, Vanilla, and, of course, EM or Fairy Flos, Candy Floss, it's the same thing, but Ethyl Maltol in powder is cheapest, you just mix it 1/3 powder and fill the bottle with Glycerine or PG, then give it a warm bath till it dissolves. Bavarian Cream, and other creams are good for custard, too. And, although I've not tried it yet, Egg Nog can be great in it too. I'm planning on ordering some when I pass another order somewhere.

    I've also tried Van Custard with Marshmallow, but it's still seeping, so I'l let you know my thoughts in a week or so.

    Happy mixing, and hopefully Happy Vaping of your own juices. It's most of all FUN ;D
  14. darkavenger1

    darkavenger1 New Member

    I'm new to Capella. I've ordered some Cake Batter. Seeing as nobody' mentioning it, I wonder if it's any good?
  15. gyhebgmjareu

    gyhebgmjareu New Member

    I really need to set more time to do diy, im on the slow wagon atm. ive done my next lot of experimentation, tested them and taken notes for improvements, but gotta find time for another round of mixing.
    The easiest way I do it is I have a base of 8 mg 60/40 pg vg already made up in dropper bottles and ready for diy sessions. I vape 6mg 70/30 so once adding my concentrates to my base, it should b close enough.
    I drop 50 drops into a 2ml dropper bottle and for every drop of concentrate it equals 2% flavouring.2ml Empty Dropper Bottle with Tamper Proof Cap

    Anyway im still playing around with many flavours and percentages

    my last batch:
    TFA honeysuckle was really nice at 14% but needs a tad more, next to try at 16%
    flavourart watermelon. Of all the watermelon concentrates I think FA is by far the nicest, fresh, sweet,.comthentic and refreshing. Tried it at 12%, wasn't enough, next to try 18%
    Capella raspberry at 12%, not strong enough, trying 16%
    Capella grape at 12%, not strong enough, trying 18%
    capella harvest berry 12%, needs more, trying 16%
    capella cinnamon coffee 12%, absolutely feral, discusting, ass tasting blah. The concentrate smells horrible, should have known then but it tastes and smells nothing like the name suggests. which is a shame I was looking forward to this flavour. All I get from it is a double whammy of cloves, blur!

    lastly TFA mocha at 12% wasn't strong enough, gonna try at 16%

    next session im gonna give some of the recipes above a try, ive got the extra ingredients now, thanks peeps, keep em coming!
  16. deliana1

    deliana1 New Member

    I actually mixed up some Popcorn flavour today, I have to say... Its bloody salty :\ To the point it even dries your mouth out.

    Im thinking the PA Popcorn might be a little better despite the fact its not a strong flavour.
  17. karyssa shea

    karyssa shea New Member

    Put my first lot of Cake Batter in a Protank. It's nice in there, but it hasn't steeped, so I'm expecting a softening over time in the flavours.
