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Antibiotics and Vaping

本帖由 obelmGelm2015-10-31 发布。版面名称:Vape Talk

  1. obelmGelm

    obelmGelm New Member

    Last Thursday I began root canal treatment with the local dental school on my back lower right molar on which the student prepared 2 canals in the 3 hours given then patched me up with a temporary filling and set an appointment in 6 weeks. A few hours later I started to receive constant pain but thought perhaps it was the pressure the student was using as I didn't take any anesthetic either, so I took some nurofen and rested. The next morning the pain had progressed so I went to see the real dentist to get their opinion, to which they prescribed me with Keflex and Metrogyl to fight an infection which must have been triggered by the work the student had done.

    So I picked up the antibiotics from the chemist and was advised Metrogyl can not be used with Alcohol or else it will comse a nasty rash. This lead me to look further into what this drug does and found Propylene Glycol is also not meant to be taken with it aswell. Apparently this drug decreases your body's ability to process propylene glycol. Why was I not told about that aswell? Don't answer that. I guess no one uses mouthwash these days.

    Has anyone heard of this before? If not, here is the warning to be careful!

    This is the information I found.. WebMD

    But now I'm in a pickle. Although I mix I have no doublers that are 100% VG. Nor is my nic 100% VG. I've since ordered some 100% VG doublers which should arrive by Wednesday but I'll have no nic with it until my antibiotics course is up (next sunday). I guess I could survive and it may help me get closer to 0mg. We'll see.
  2. vCharityToddh

    vCharityToddh New Member

    If I was you I'd go back and talk to the chemist. I doubt you are ingesting enough PG through vaping for it to be a problem, but this could be confirmed if you tell the chemist that you vape.

    The contraindication was for oral medications that are swallowed in a solution of PG. You will only absorb very small amounts of PG through vaping.
  3. anushriygomadam

    anushriygomadam New Member

    If you wish to take the risk go ahead. Quite likely you will get no problems from a relatively small amount of pg while on metronidazole. I guess it could depend on how much you vape and how much pg you use in your mixes. Remember that most pharmaceuticals have a long list of contraindications; many of which are routinely ignored by prescribing doctors and are really only there to cover the pharmaceutical companies asses. Remember, all it takes is one person in a 90 day drug trial to have an unexpected severe symptom and it suspected (spuriously blamed) to be due to another prescribed drug for it to be listed.

    If you have impaired liver function for whatever reason of course really try not to use anything containing pg whilst taking metronidazole. But having a search around I cannot find more than heresay about adverse reactions to Metrogyl / Flagyl. Considering that both vaping and metronidazole prescription are more common in the US than here, I'd have expected to find more reference to contraindications if they were common.

    Probably minimising the amount of pg you're vaping by mixing max vg possible and increasing nic while decreasing amount vaped will be fine. Of course if you feel effects such as comsea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, headaches, or flushes, stop pg use immediately.

    Though of course this is only one opinion and don't take mine over professional medical advice.
  4. Betamail23

    Betamail23 New Member

    You have no anaesthetic when you have dental work? Brave guy :concern:

    I doubt infection would have been triggered overnight and be comsing that much pain so quickly. If your teeth were in
    need of root canals the chances are there was probably an infection already in there.

    I agree with JenJ. I would have a chat to your Chemist if you are concerned but you're not ingesting large amounts of PG
    so I doubt it would be anything to worry about.
  5. aipeursson

    aipeursson New Member

    same as smoking getting dental work done... its not really recommended
    something about negative pressure affecting the work site.

    i have never had a root canal they just pull mine.
    I would always use warm saltwater after a smoke to stop infection id probably do the same with a vape just to be comtious
  6. cinderella_948

    cinderella_948 New Member

    You could mix some of your nic base with 100% VG base & vape it unflavored, it would reduce the amount of PG in your juice.
    Flavor concentrates are almost always in a base of PG too, so even a "100%" VG doubler contains some PG.
  7. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    Ah ok.. seems ok then. I'll mix my highest VG flavour and see how that goes. Thanks!

    Not that much really.. around 1 ml a day of 50/50. I think I may have been too comtious. I will try and look out for the signs you've mentioned. Thank you!

    I believe this is true.. My last course was for the same infected area so although I had no pain, it was still there. :(

    I'm so glad and thankful for all your responses!
  8. Jack Benoit

    Jack Benoit Member

    iTaste MVP 2.0 iClear 30
    Snake oil from Seduce Juice, pear/coconut/cream
    I'm hорing yоu'll bе оff thе аntibiоtiсs sооn - I саn't imаginе hаving tо dеаl with thаt lоng оf а rесоvеry. I саn't find thе раrty еmоtiсоn thаt smilе'n'shinе usеd, but I'll rаisе my glаss with yоu аs wеll.

    Nоw thеn, if yоu'rе lооking fоr а рlасе tо stоrе аll thоsе juiсеs ...
  9. missvape

    missvape Active Member

    Pen Type
    Milk Man
    Those interactions are definitely scary, fast heartbeat, seizures or even kidney problems. I guess it's better to be on the safe side although like others have said, you're not consuming excessive amounts of PG anyway. But if it can make you feel better and if you can do so, avoid vaping, at least while you're under the medication. Anyway, with all the pain you're experiencing, you'd want to sleep all the time. Believe me, after I got my wisdom tooth out, I was in so much pain I wanted to lay in bed all day, lol.

    Anyway, good luck and I hope you get cleared from your infection! By the way, now, I'm wary of student dentists as well because of this thread. Haha!
