Well if you want an easy straight forward mix then you get 24mg in what ever ratio the juice to be. That was when you add it to the doubler it's...
hehehe Having 50+ tabs open on ecigs, ecig stores, etc is not helping, I opened a crapton when I first started reading about these and still got...
Thank u. Yeah I did see that post..but was wondering what other people thought also :)
Recently, I combined vapebar's peach tea with vapeking's dark cherry at a ratio of 80pt:20dc - It really is a very nice blend. I diluted them...
I'm not trying to start any sh!t I was just after a little bit of juice for around the $10 mark or so without the postage cost. If this thread is...
Stoney!!!!! are you rewriting the electrical engineering handbook????? quote: the power is VxVxR
That new guy trying to post has some yummy colors! 1100mAh Battery for E Cigarette x 5pcs - All Electronic Cigarette Shipping is ok too Country...