no issues so far. still loving the kts. it's odd, i have a phonenix with a 3ohm coil and mesh wick. which as you'd assume is balls on a mech...
Box Mod If it isn't to big, you might want to consider a MPV 3.0 A SXmini S class might be a little more comfortable to use, & with everybody...
Dude!! Read the thread title; What have you ordered today? Edit: Was a bit harsh?? Maybe.
Thank You Cruz ... what a gorgeous little piece of simplicity this is :) Adjustable draw too by the looks of the collar and three airholes :D
CCC - Excited? I'm so jealous. PB Cups was in that box that arrived empty. Sigh...
You're not missing out on much with the 510! ;) Just mucking around, if it's your first kit, I can appreciate the excitement. It will usually...
I've seen large differences in retailers for dekang, hangsen in the past when I first started vaping, I then looked into it and I read somewhere...
Incredible modding you did on that Vamo, very well done. :clap2:
It's included with eJuice Me Up calculator