shit yeah, I knew I was doing something terribly wrong.... cant wait to get home and bust it out now. cheers vapetoomuch
Picked up an Origen v2 from VapekIng in their Bargain Bin - $10 ! Not huge air flow - but great tasting . . . .
I usually use tapatalk uploads which are larger and sufficient but it is simply not working at the moment. not sure if i have used up my hosting...
So far I haven't attempted any mixing myself but I have doublers and concentrates on order and already have 100mg PG nic and a bottle of VG ... do...
And I was but I'm lost now :)
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Welcome to the forum gadgetchef. Why don't you pop a location into your profile and drop into the New Vapers forum with your intro - New Vapers...
Get some pre-mixed nic juice first so that you can relax a bit and then start vaping whilst learning about mixing. It is not hard but take it in...