Hi all! I bought a Joye 510(I think) 5 years ago and never really liked it. Just last week I purchased a .comtilus Mini and 10W eLeaf iStick. So...
Just like to quickly mention it's my one month anniversary since smoking my last cigarette on 2/12/2012. I have absolutely zero desire to smoke...
I bunged up it's orifice and its now behaving pretty well. Wicks fine, reasonable heat, good vapour volume and flavour. I'll probably fiddle...
You bought 20 evods?
http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/01/project-hijack-uses-iphone.comdio-jack-to-make-cheap-sensors.ars im just fantasizing here but just...
So I put a new evod head in my protank today and I went to check the OHMs, and the second I pressed the button it said "E4". So I turned the...