is pretty good for unflavoured nic. And with pre mix juices there's heaps. Ill name a few that I've tried but im sure other...
- VapingMad OX - Tobacco concentrates from ecigmodshop and some fliptop dripper bottles to go with my OX
All who are interested in purchasing the 'Line clone', please refer to Madbunny's list so you don't miss out. Regards RM :)
THink you got on the first list that is closed, this list only opened about a minute before I posted, I was lucky enough to be checking vaporwall...
not good pipesub - 1 drop of flavouring to 20 drops of pg/vg is already 5% - some flavours will be already too strong at that level have you got...
WOO :D Thank you for taking the time to explain all that to me! Once thing though, wouldn't adding extra PG and VG dilute the flavour? those batteries are rated for 10amps, but i wouldn't take it passed about half of...