I read that too, Fatman using a Ego WTF. Scrolled to the top. 2012. Wasn't sure about reviving this old thread but needed some advice.
I've gone a bit crazy in the last week ... 500ml 100mg from juice ray Innokin itaste vv/vw v3 from fasttech Aspire comtilus and pack of spare...
I didn't like it. FlavourArt and TPA's blackcurrant are not the type of blackcurrants I was looking for. Ive always been looking a Black...
Sound like the coil is done. Throw a new one in, should be fine. A week is about how much I get out of coils (sometimes more, sometimes less,...
Good luck Shooter! Nothing worse than having no juice or juice you don't like to vape. Equivalent to a smoker having no cigs. But smokers can...
*Bookmarked * I'v just started trying to mix my own flavours and have been using Juice cookbook" I found that it was so much easyer when they...
I have never used a calculator for juice, neither does the wife. we mix with the eye except with the nicotine. I have never had a problem.
was i right in saying 7.2ml of 36mg pg nic would make a 30ml juice 8mg?