Last night I was mucking around with the DIDnt and made up a solid wick out of 200 mesh, just to see what it was like. One thing I noticed when...
Yeah just ordered some cost A$20 delivered for A4 sheet. About the same price of what can be bought locally for half the size in #400...
Perfect mate, hopefully you do love it. The only thing stopping me was that I don't have an atty right for it, so that would have been another $100+.
Hi mate It was,there is no more space to screw But it's the screw it self to short to tighten The 2 parts but filed it up with silicone and Looks...
Spud you should call it "Jen's Freaky Mango juice" :D
Yep vaping cobra only has tea in TPA. Earl gray tea, black tea, green tea. You can always put 2 tea bags in 30ml PG/VG put it in the microwave...
Can't see any obvious difference health wise, just personal preference really.