Wow, that little of an amount. Thanks for your reply BTW, was my 21mg guess correct?
Another order at fasttech still waiting on 2 US juice orders. Vamo V3 Brass E-Cigarette Battery Compartment SKU 1376700 QTY 1 RDA Mini...
Check out the post by noe a newbie shopping list mate u will find everything u need to get going IN Hiding from a vapers wife
My Aname Poldiac is floating around somewhere in the world.. And I have an Origen coming my way soon..
Oh and when you wash them out, wash the thing with the wicks hanging out too. ;) It's the wick and coil you mostly want to wash, then just blow it...
I have just emailed them asking why - will let all know the response.
Hi srb You'll need to add more PG/VG and nic depending on how much weaker you want the flavour. What's your original recipe? How much flavour...