I know you have the Lemon by Perfumers apprentice, try it at 3% but if you like a nice lemon flavour go with flavour art - lemon Sicily at 3% and...
Gday MrPrawn! Welcome to Vape.to.. V2cigs got us off the ciggies too. That's worth more than any money in the world to us! A hearty welcome to...
[IMG] Hellfire 22mm dripper on PAPS X with reducer and hybridised with an insignia 201 adapter. Xmas porn, drinking the juice and all that.
lol roxxii. I thougth exactly the same thing. could be good for the car, but then, I think it wouldn't take much of a bump or jerk to send your...
[IMG] not pretty on the inside but it works [IMG][IMG][IMG] twin 18650 vamo bored but did not bother with the screen on this one seeing as this...
:cryinghysterically2:cryinghysterically2:cryinghysterically2 im a little bit more complicated then that,but not much