At 50 watts yeah no problem. I probably vape 4 times that as well lol.
hmm VK5 is like Honey to me, i do enjoy it however. The other ry4's ive tried is "deejstuff ry4" which is my favourite vaping juice so far, then i...
lol .. I kinda like thier name and logo too :) Juicewhore has always been great shop and good for some of the harder to find flavours at times too...
It was my doctor that first told me about them, he said some of his other patients had succeeded in quitting the smokes. I did the research myself...
It does actually say it's blue on there, 4th line down....sigh. As usual the thing I want is just out of my reach.
Here it is, [ATTACH]
Thank you so much. Snidely_Whiplash