Hi everyone, Would firstly like to thank you all for the great info on the forum. I've been snooping around for a couple of weeks now and have...
Thanks for the info but I'll be running an 1981-TS in the VTR. The coils are for a full size comtilus, which won't fit the VTR.
I have one on order from fasttech/slowtech 3 weeks now and waiting, I'll post how it vapes when it comes in compared to Vamo v2. zmax Jeff
I may be biased, but I love my GG stuff. A JGG with an Ithaka is my usual vape. I like the nemesis, but there's just something about the GG... [IMG]
Im gonna paste in this driptip I like - $4.52 Pyrex Glass Ribbon 510 Drip Tip at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping that I prob wont buy so then I...
I thought I read somewhere that the cherry wasn't so nice. But if you're ordering more it mustn't be too bad. I'll put these ones on my list too....