I don't like the taste of steeped nic. I use mints and menthols and nic tends to add to the metallic taste of them so I add it just before we...
dont worry its some little kid with to much time on his hands. the robot has been trying to get in for months so ive been told, admins gets on it...
Your Order Contains: From Nicoticket (again) :-) 1 x Apricot Ambition (Bottle Size: 30ml *Double your juice for ONLY $4.00...
Thank you Crisscross for the welcome and pushing me to come over here. I don't like the being new on stuff LOL.
It does indeed. They're from cockwimbleton you know.
Fuck this I'm posting hellfires then [ATTACH]
Well Rip Trippers has his video up now on the Gi2 and he thinks its "SICK AS TITS"
OW, my scroll finger.......I think we need a few more angles, bro. LOL. Very Awesome mod, man! Good to see you!