Hi All, I have always purchased my nicotine from greenhouseone. As I'm due to order some more I wanted to check with you all whether this is a...
[IMG] Feeling a bit guilty about my ADV not being a DIY and thus not saving as much money as I should be, but daaaaamn this is good! :-D
damn straight, wasnt hard to convince either haha.
I have no idea. I think the Lime Spider might be the secret, though. But something about the Violet gave it a bit of lightness as well. The...
Just tekkin th' pus :D ( I speak fluent Kiwi )
Well just made my first ever coil build. CLT dual coil 6 wraps 28g. 3 mm Id comes to about .7 ohm looks like crap lol but might try it [IMG]...
If you get 100mg in PG, you will be using so little you can get virtually any ratio you want. Except 100% VG obviously.
best line by far today noe, had a shit of a day, so the good .comgh this supplied was well needed