Yes, I'm definitely saving money, cigarettes go super fast and one pack is super expensive. Juice is cheap and last waaaaay more, it's a win-win...
Anything that is remotely similar to coffee. I hate the taste of coffee, I can't even eat a ice cream with that flavor, so vaping to it, can't be...
I don't think that's true. I've never heard anything about it, and since menthol cigarettes are more popular than ever, if this was true we'd...
It's definitely not something that will make you stronger and healthier. But if you can maintain a good life, and maintain the times you smoke, I...
Probably not, but after they're 18, you can't really control it, if they want to smoke they'll find a way to do it. All you can do is advise and...
At first, I though it would be another stupid idea and nobody would buy it and support it. But after experiencing it myself and learning more...
Fortunately for me, it never happened, but a friend of mine says the exact same thing. I'll take a guess and say it varies from person to person....
I started with a white one, but now that I picked up a black one, I'm never using the white one again. Next one I'm going to use is definitely the...
Just be honest with her, while talking about it. Say it's something you enjoy a lot and you'll probably end up using it later in life, so why not...
I actually do that too. I'm starting to quit smoking to maintain the vaping only. but it's a gradual thing, I'm slowing down at first, so i still...
I would if it wasn't prohibited in my country. It's against the law to smoke inside public spaces and that includes vaping, which is a shame.
I don't think it should be banned anywhere. But we should threat it as smoking, so if you're at a place which you can't smoke, it's obvious you...
I never even thought about that, but I don't think that's something I'd enjoy. I like eating and vaping, but I can wait for both. There's no need...
That's not much, so it's way easier to stop. Just throw away everything you got, and when you feel the need to smoke just distract yourself with...
As many people already said, you should probably check in with a doctor just to make sure everything's fine. If you are fine, maybe you need more...
This already happened to me, I was really far away from home and my batteries died. It was pretty bad, but I learned, nowadays I always keep a...