Welcome! I'm new here too. I'm glad you've decided to switch from smoking to vaping! Good luck on your journey :)
I usually vape 3mg nic, but sometimes I just want to vape for the flavor. That's when I vape 0 nic. It's fun and it's gentle on your throat when...
If I'm walking down the street or to school I usually vape instead of smoke, especially if the place I'm going to is close. It's easier and faster...
In our culture, sex sells. It's as easy as that. People are likely to be more attracted to an ad with a fit, attractive women on it. It's...
This story is definitely fake. Smoking is not the only cause of lung cancer. And I honestly doubt that vaping for less than a year will give you...
I have always been interested in vaping. I started out with a "bitch stick" a few years ago. When I met my boyfriend 7 months ago, he was (and...
I have this tank, and I really enjoy it as well. Although I am a new vaper and the kanger subox mini kit is my first mod, I really like it for...
I'm Morgan, I started vaping around the time I met my boyfriend in July, 7 months ago. I have always been interested in vaping but I just got my...
Am I the only one that still feels uncomfortable/anxious when buying vape stuff or cigs? I just turned 18 in December, and even though I am of...
A case made specifically for your mod(s) would be handy, but honestly I just throw mine either in my pocket or in my purse. I understand the...
Even if it is legal, I personally would not vape in a restaurant. It would make me uncomfortable thinking that other people around me could get...
I have noticed that, not necessarily with sweets, but everything in general. Vaping usually takes my appetite away and my boyfriend who vapes as...
I don't think there is any problem with vaping in public, as long as you are not affecting others around you. Vaping indoors or in a crowded area...
Vaping 0 nic is not a bad thing! I vape 0 nic sometimes, it's nice just for the flavor.