good question. Havent tried it yet. I bought the second as i was impressed with the build quality got as far as cleaning it last weekend so i will...
Hi Stabs. Welcome
or if u already have Nic Coming Vaping Cobra (Vaping Cobra E-Liquid E-Juice Electronic Cigarettes) have some good ego startup kits at great prices...
is that a glass box you got your gear in? it looks very nice!
Do not use the Supermarket stuff ( been there, tried that, it will clog whatever your using ) contact Vaping Cobra via phone Electronic Cigarettes...
The only battery that ever got more than a little warm on me was a 12 month old Riva - previous to that it had been gradually losing run time. I...
So I see a lot of people prefer PG>VG? Yeah, I might as well just buy the VG & PG from VapeKing. But I like CCC's suggestion aswell, I like to...
Yes very nice FS :)