A great introduction to vv/vw mods. Got mine early in my vaping days, still use it daily.
Hi all, Long time lurker of the forums and finally decided to join up. So I'm relatively new to vaping only been vaping for 4 months and haven't...
When I was in Dubai there was Shisha Cafes everywhere! Like on every corner! You'd ask for a menu and get one menu for the shisha that was four...
Welcome Deb and fellow newbies ( soon to be old hands lol ) Jump in the water is fine ...
hey all, im new and cant reply to my own thread I posted....guess I have to get a certain number of posts up?
How bad will people think your asthma is when you keep puffing on that frequently several times in a row? hahaha Very sneaky though!
so many flavours not enough money and time......never stop vaping...just can't see the end of vaping for me(unless it kills me)....... sent via...