Just found out that home brewers use PG as well. Being that they are a more established thing there seems to be far more shops. Plenty of places...
Noe. I have done a copy of your post and stickied it , but the links dont show thru ... can you replace them and I will lock it after you do ?...
Hi all, Name's Tim and i've been vaping for a bit over a month. I've been buying most of my gear from vapebar in Perth be.comse I can go and pick...
Common ABBREVIATIONS used on Vape.to - please add to this... Please tell me you don't think it now means "Lots of comghs"? If you were kidding.....
Excellent stuff billyboy, as i hadnt been here for a week or so i feared i may have missed out, cant wait to get my hands on one, probably have a...
In case you don't have a PB account here are the direct links to the vids: JAZZ SWITCH :: 1MagSwitchVid.mp4 video by fsors - Photobucket...