Went shopping with the missus at the market. While she was wasting time buying food, I wandered away to do the important stuff. Found it on a...
Hello After I decided to stop smoking (smoking for 23 years) it has been a hard time nicobate different kind of sprays and I don't know what, the...
I'm laughing my bits off watching the clock race my fasttech order. Friday and Monday are public holidays in China. :) nowhere near my postie,...
Just thought I'd pop my head above the parapet and say hi. Been lurking for a while, learned a lot (thank you!) and have been vaping for nearly 6...
I better correct this joke before anyone gets the idea that Billyboy has kept me waiting. The real story is I got trapped into trying to read all...
Only got 36mg nic juice, so it might be a bit strong, I'll give it a go in the morning though, thanks.