great link.. im looking up desserts right now.
i'd settle for one
10 BVC coils for the silo tanks. As it's still 4 weeks before the aspire Atlantis is released, and I expect I'll be using the silo tanks for a while.
from hc: concentrates 510 bridgeless atties [i've come full circle to these & can't compare, even with rda] then bought myself a $60 usd gift...
Hey, new on the forum been vaping for about a year still haven't kicked analogues completely yet. Just thought I'd say hello! My current set up...
poor stomp looks like a long wait :)
Not so much red but Pink and after a bit of 'me' added [IMG]
Aww cool :)
That is the exact setup I am running right know lol I love it Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
The kamry k100 switch will fit the sigelei 19
Never had a box mod, but I don't really want one either. I like my tubes... and my pipes.