Okay guys this is what I have rounded up into a list, please give me feedback and lemme know if its good/bad.. - Pack of pipettes - 250ml of...
when you add up the shipping with health cabbin its not far off
From the spec sheet I have, 28AWG is 5.27Ω per foot whereas 32AWG is 13.1Ω per foot, so roughly you'd need 2 and a bit times the number of turns...
Hi everyone. I've been reading here for a couple of months now and taking in a lot of info. Thought I'd finally make a first post here and say...
Hey pacboy, me same same!!!! I have never in my life been on forums except to grab a bit of information. But I tell you what, vaping has got me...
Wot?? so if I answer a question with a number .. say 2 .. then instead of just putting 2 ............. I should type out 2 10 char?
VTC5 can pulse to about 90w :barbershop_quartet_