Nicotine Discussion & Protecting the forum LOL Brian, haven't decided yet. I'm sure you know, with the internet you can advocate for what you...
Cheers. Thats what I needed to know :)
Hi I'm new here and to Vaping, but totally hooked. Using the ProVari Mini my BF PhilMac bought for me
I built a few of the circuit boards for the VP (was originally VV) AFS mod concept I'm working on but the first proto is still many weeks away as...
JenJ we have a few more purchases we need to make first, but after that I will make it my personal mission to try and get these in for you. Xo
exodus , this mod dose have two mods, they both suck, for having a 18650 bat,it dos'nt put out that much power, it"s not as good as a vision...