100 cigarettes is just insane. Some people just have insane bodies that are able to process the cigarette toxins in ways others can't. You always...
Haters have the loudest voices. The supporters generally just go about their business compared to the opposition. This is the case for most things.
It's going to be awkward when vaping gets bigger and all of these tobacco companies dive head first into the vaping industry. They'll have to...
I'm not entirely sure I'm against the way they lump it together. Vaping is vaping at the end of the day. As long as they make a note of it, I...
You can definitely get discouraged the first time you vape. You do have to come to the realization that it isn't the same experience. Vaping from...
I don't think I've ever heard about the fiberglass thing. Regardless, those things were straight up poison. The coughs I had during that time were...
Unless the research comes out that vaping is 100% harmless, I doubt the gov't will make it tax exempt. The reality is that vaping isn't harmless,...
I like any of the berry flavors. My new favorite flavor is English toffee. I've been looking for any type of caramel like flavors.
On the bright side, it is only 3 cigarettes. Some smokers smoke a pack a day or more. It's tough for anyone to quit smoking. Have you tried vaping...
The word cigarette doesn't really have anything to do with nicotine. It has more to do with the tobacco leaves. Vape juice doesn't require tobacco...
It was just a marketing word to attract smokers to switch to vaping. Unfortunately, the word cigarette is a negative word with all the...
You are a unicorn. The sugar thing isn't BS because you are the exception. Eating a lot of carbs causes insulin spikes in your body. Insulin...
It's a no-brainer when it comes the amount of chemicals. Cigarettes are known to have over 2000 chemicals in them. I don't think they've...
Anyone try one of these precise temperature control setups? How accurate is the temperature control? I keep hearing that they aren't that accurate...
Newports bring back a lot of memories. The only reason to buy newports was they were the cheapest cigarettes. I remember a few of us would share a...
I forgot about that initial adjustment period. You will definitely get the lack of taste of some flavors if you are a long time smoker....
This is another big issue for first timers. They think it will be similar to smoking cigarettes and it is just a whole different thing. They end...
Keep it simple with your setup. Don't get crazy with all the accessories and million different juices. Another big one is being careful about the...
It's nearly impossible to spend more on vaping than traditional cigarettes. Unless you are smoking one cigarette a day, e-juice is so much...
I've tried it and it was a no go. I'm still not ready to completely get off nicotine just yet. That is the ultimate goal and I'm on 3mg of...