Hi. Just wanted to check, run it past you all. I got a delivery of 100 mg nic from OS. Have been dabbling with mixing juice the last 2 days. I...
look at your juice in the sense of reducing juices to a .comce in a frying pan as you reduce the liquid it thickens and becomes more concentrated...
Provari hippo cap, IGO-W and an X8 tank, all from Tek at Vaping Ace. Champion he is I tells ya! Thanks mate.
Just a few from a fairly eclectic collection I have, GP Lux and Spheroid, Poldiacs, Gus, Lotech, EPM Pipes :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
This morning I couldn't find my ego anywhere. Was leaving the house, so quickly grabbed a spare battery and one of my DCT tanks that has been...
.01-.02 variance is FAR better than 0.5-1v! I know what i'm gonna prefer :)
It depends on what I am putting it in and what wick and juice I am going to run in it most of the time I run a micro but sometimes simple and old...
Hi All, Started vaping (and gave away the cancer sticks) 5 days ago now! Can't see myself going back after being introduced to vaping by a friend...