I recently went full DIY and have a stockpile of batteries, some good trusty mods, and 3 litres of VG/PG. Obviously ecig's will be taxed and...
I have bought from these vendors before, was satisfied. The nicotine they use is clean and the flavours are fine. They should really advertise...
I haven't decided yet, I keep up with the latest studies about Ecigs just in case it turns out to be really bad for us. Personally, I enjoy it a...
There was a time about 3 years ago when these were actually kinda popular: [IMG] personally these steampunk mods aren't my style but look how...
I tried my friends Cubis tank, I usually don't like coils I don't make myself but it wasn't that bad the only problem was it gurgled like crazy.
It's very rare for people to smoke and eat at the same time, I've only seen it maybe once in my life and the guy was about 75 years old! I never...
[IMG] That's what a typical dripper looks like. You drip some drops of eliquid onto those coils and peices of cotton there, then you put a top...
Vape how you want. I like to vape all day personally and find myself putting down the vape for hours at a time then wondering where I left it.
Benefits of vaping for a former cigarette smoker: Your fingers no longer smell horrible after a cigarette, that's something I REALLY don't miss...
I hate to say it but after 2 years of vaping I still have an occasional cigarette if I'm out on the weekend, I pay for it the next day as I...
Mixing ejuices shouldn't be a problem except for the possibility of getting a terrible tasting eliquid! CBD oil in eliquid huh? First time...
Controlling juice flow? really? Might have to check it out. Wonder why other tanks don't have this feature?
It really depends on the amount of nicotine in your juice. If your vaping at 18mg as opposed to 3mg you can vape a lot more safely when using the...
In my social circle it does seem to be true, some of my guy-friends vape but I don't know a single girl who does.
The term was adopted before all this new legislation was being considered. It seems pretty obvious that companies have a vested interest to...