No status updates on the 2.50 e-packet postage for my latest shipment.... the.comspost website is mysteriously devoid of events. we'll see how it...
Just came across these natural colourings for using in foods, and was thinking they may be an alternative to using synthetic colourings in e...
TopCookies Virginia. the absolute best liquid i've had. none come close. even if you're not a fan of other virginia vapes. you should try...
Welcome newbies :) I'm not much help, but welcome anyway LOL
Just made a mix up for a mate at work who seems to be showing signs of a slight PG intolerance. Mixed it as high with VG as possible and thinned...
thanks mate, just watching mark webber win the monacco grand prix and vapouring away [is that the write way of saying this] as i use to go outside...