Wow. It's interesting to read the different varieties of opinions on this topic. It seems a lot of us have the same philosophy. Of course, it's...
Yeah, I am also curious. Did anyone from this community end up going to this convention? If so, how was your experience? Would you do it again? If...
Welcome to the forums! I am relatively new here myself but I find most people to be quite accepting within communities such as this one. If you...
This definitely shouldn't be something you should be ashamed of! Most people aspire to get down to zero percent nicotine. I have some friends who...
Hello, I am fairly new to this forum. I came across e-cigs because a couple of my friends were talking about them. I sort of brushed it off at...
I also agree it would be cool to attend something like this. I really enjoy going to cons so I think this would be enjoyable for me. Even though I...
I personally am against the death penalty.I believe human life is extremely valuable and no one has the right to say a human should die, despite...
I agree that when it comes to vaping, the main benefits are both cost and health related. Obviously, vaping can be seen as a good way to get off...